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Recent Visa Approval

Excellent team of IELTS Trainers and Visa Consultants. No need to go anywhere for IELTS and Visa Services in Ambala. Expert is the Best !!
Sumit Bhardwaj
Why English speaking?

English Speaking or spoken English has become very important in all spheres of life. Doesn’t matter whether you are a? Student, professional or a housewife, You will be benefited by attending our English Speaking & Personality Development classes. These classes are aimed to improve diction, improve vocabulary, Develop personality and increase confidence to face people in their daily interaction at work or at any other Place. Doctors, lawyers, housewives and businessmen have joined our class to benefit from our courses. Our Institution covers the course in grammar, fluency in speaking and vocabulary and majorly personality Development skills.
We have designed our English Speaking/Personality Development programs for 3 different levels of Students that are Beginners Level, Intermediate Level & Advanced Level.
Our Program Aim
Our program is designed to build and Enhance the following attributes in your personality.
- Confidence
- Communication
- Creativity
- Courage
- Clarity
- Competence
- Concentration
- Consistence
- Common Sense
- Interview Skills
- Public Speaking Skills
- Group Discussion Skills
- Presentation Skills
Course Contents for Spoken English
Role plays
To be able to speak English fluently, we make students act out incertain situations. These are Everyday situations at the bus-stop,railway station, airport, etc. The students enjoy enacting out Thesesituations and get a chance to speak English which further builds theirconfidence.
Building confidence
We help build confidence in the students. Confidence is trust in oneself. That we create trust in The students by making them speak moreand more in class with practical training and situations.
We will help building your translation skills by giving you in Hindior Punjabi which they have To translate in English. Students have totranslate the stories in English in a short span of time. This gives thestudents a chance to improve their vocabulary, pronunciations, memoryand Fluency.
Grammar & basic communication
Students at Beginner level will be trained to understand Englishgrammar which will cover topics Like Verb, Adverb, Adjectives, Noun etc.using practical approach. Students will be provided English speakingtopics at beginner level to make them start speaking English without anyHesitation.
The students who join our class sometimes come from vernacularbackgrounds with less general Knowledge and ability to communicateeffectively. We in class give them a variety of topics to Talk onextempore. The topics are simple, covering current and social affairsand the students get A chance to make points on them sometimes and talk.When they talk extempore, they get the Confidence and knowledge whichultimately increases their self-esteem and prepare them for the Future.
Group discussions
The syllabus also covers group discussions where the students discusscertain burning issues of The country. This enables them to increasetheir knowledge and enhance their reading skills as They read newspapersto prepare before the group discussions. And at the end they alsoimprove Their speaking skills. We endeavor to make students fluent.
We also arrange debates in class for the reasons mentioned before.There are two teams who Debate on certain burning issue which in returnbuilds their courage, enhances their speaking Skills and knowledge.
Interview skills
An interview is the last step of a hiring process. Your employer andyou evaluate each other. Your employer evaluates you on the basis ofpersonality, confidence and knowledge. Hence it is Important to learnhow to speak in an interview, the frequently asked questions and doesand don’ts Of behavior in an interview, an important part of BusinessEnglish. Expert English and Personality classes teach interviewetiquette.
Dining etiquette
In today’s corporate world learning how to eat the correct way andusing the right crockery and Cutlery is very important. To make afavorable impression in hotels and restaurants with yourself Clients andachieve professional success, we take you to a restaurant once everymonth to get you The hang of it. Dining Etiquette is an importantetiquette to learn. Expert English and Personality Classes endeavor toteach you this in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere.
Party Manners
With the western culture coming to the fore, going to parties havebecome common. Expert Immigration English speaking and Personalityclasses think it appropriate to teach the right Manners and behavior at aparty. Hence we have added this to our syllabus. It is essential toKnow the right way to present oneself in a party, dress code, giftingthe host or hostess etc.
Grooming sessions
Grooming sessions are held in Expert English Speaking and PersonalityClasses. As etiquette is The first thing noticed in the corporateworld, the first impression is the last. People don’t miss The way youlook, smell and walk. Today this is what people notice first hencegrooming sessions are The need of the hour for everybody. ExpertImmigration class endeavors to make you look, dress And smell right,that means the entire packaging is correct.
Positive attitude
A positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairsof life. It brings optimism into Your life and makes it easier to avoidworry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of Life, it willbring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier,brighter and more Successful. With a positive attitude, you see thebright side of life, become optimistic and expect The best to happen.Sometimes with a positive attitude, you can make impossible thingspossible.
Goal setting and manifestation
When you want to set a goal and wish that it manifests, you have to have great belief in it.
Intentions without desire have very little power to manifest.
- You should be clear about what you want.
- Your heart should believe in it.
We will teach you how to set goals in order to help you achieve them.
Telephone etiquette
One of the basics of a business is learning proper telephoneetiquette. Telephone calls are part of Everyday work. It is a necessarytool, which in most businesses is the first point of contact withCustomers. It can either make or break a business transaction orpersonal relations. Telephone Etiquette is also one way of improvingcommunication skills. So a part of personality Development.
As the saying goes, first impression is the last. Most businesstransactions start with a telephone Call and how the conversation goesoften gives the customer an overall impression of the Business. Thus,learning proper business telephone etiquette is important because a callcan Attract a potential future business client. Expert ImmigrationEnglish and Personality clashes Teaches the same.
Manners and etiquette
Manners and Etiquette teach us to behave right and with fullresponsibility. Manners distinguish Us from behaving like animals insociety. Hence teaching manners and etiquette is a social Responsibilityon Expert Immigration English Speaking and Personality clashes.
SMS etiquette
When we say we are sending an SMS means we are texting someone.Texting means sending a Short message from one cell to another. Today itis a trend to text or send messages to each other. You can text yourteachers, friends, relatives at a cheaper rate than phoning. But thereare some Rules when we message or text.
Expert Immigration English and Personality classes teach you the proper rules of SMS etiquette.
How to develop yourself
Try to develop yourself all the time as this will guarantee yousuccess in life. If we take charge of Our life, even God will help us toachieve our goals. But for that hard work is necessary from ours End.Nobody is perfect, but we have to endeavor to work towards perfection.And for this we Have to be on our toes all the time, taking feedbackfrom people and gaining knowledge. Expert Immigration English andPersonality classes help you to develop your personality to make a goodImpression in society.
Class Timings & Duration
Our standard class duration is 90 Minutes per day with limited number of students in each Class.
Morning Class Timings:
9.30 AM – 11.00 AM
10.00 AM – 11.30 AM
11.00 AM – 12.30 PM
11.30 AM – 1.00 PM
Evening Class Timings:
4.00 PM – 5.30 PM
4.30 PM – 6.00 PM
- You must have an occupation that is on the relevant skilled occupation list.
- You must have a suitable skills assessment for that occupation.
- You must meet point test requirement.
- You must be under 45 years of age at the time of visa application.
- You must meet character & health requirements for the visa.
- You must have competent English (IELTS 6.0 Bands overall & each module)
Also Read:-
- Spoken English Institute in Ambala
- IELTS Institute in Ambala
- Visa Consultant in Ambala